Kazungula receives relief food

Written by on April 21, 2019


ALL the 5 chiefdoms and 14 wards in Kazungula district in Western province will benefit from the relief food, district commissioner Pascalina Musokotwane has said.
Ms Musokotwane said that Kazungula district had been identified by the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) among the beneficiaries of relief aid as a way of mitigating the dry spell experienced.
She told the Sun in an interview that she was grateful to government for having taken relief food to the district in view of the hunger situation that has hit the area.
Ms Musokotwane said the distribution of the relief aid had already started in some chiefdoms and was expected to cater for all the 5 chiefdoms.
“The entire district is set to benefit from the aid but not until all needs analysis has been conducted to ascertain level of household needs.
“In the first consignment we prioritized the vulnerable because even as we want to give, we first have to do need analysis but we are not going to segregate anyone because hunger is hunger, it does not choose,” Ms Musokotwane said.
Kazungula is one of some places in Zambia that had experienced poor rainfall pattern.

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