Upcoming shows

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The show is the combination of current affairs, social media trending stories, weather update, motivational and a pick from the newspapers. Here is the breakdown of the breakfast show……
Learn more10:30amTuesday
The interview radio programme, it is a show hosting guests from various sectors such as political figures and various Experts to discuss issues affecting the nation.
Learn more12:05pmTuesday
A musical show were listeners are given two tracks and vote for a track to play twice as you prepare for lunch.
Learn more1:05pmTuesday
Hosted by Mwelwa Kapaso and Tracy Lwando the show focus on Nutrition and Foods. It take account of traditional and culture as well as modern eating habits.
Learn more2:05pmTuesday
Learn more3:05pmTuesday
Reports and analysis of the day's political, economic and social news from across Zambia. Hosted by Tawanda Munyuki
Learn more4:05pmTuesday
Women’s Lounge is a weekly magazine show profiling women that have made impact on society in order to motivate the girl child the society in general. Meet Seniya Banda and Tawanda Munyuki as they speak to influential women on the women’s lounge.
Learn more5:05pmTuesday
Featuring top 5 most happening tracks, Petersen Aka PJ entertains you with latest musical tracks as well as he hosts top Zambian artists.
Learn more6:30pmTuesday
Hosted by Irvin and Juliet, the show gives a deep analysis of the story making headlines in the local news.
Learn more7:00amWednesday
The show is the combination of current affairs, social media trending stories, weather update, motivational and a pick from the newspapers. Here is the breakdown of the breakfast show……
Learn more10:00amWednesday
The interview radio programme, it is a show hosting guests from various sectors such as political figures and various Experts to discuss issues affecting the nation.
Learn more12:00pmWednesday
A musical show were listeners are given two tracks and vote for a track to play twice as you prepare for lunch.
Learn more1:00pmWednesday
Hosted by Mwelwa Kapaso and Tracy Lwando the show focus on Nutrition and Foods. It take account of traditional and culture as well as modern eating habits.
Learn more2:00pmWednesday
With History hour, we can learn how past societies, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures, and technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed
Learn more3:00pmWednesday
Reports and analysis of the day's political, economic and social news from across Zambia. Hosted by Tawanda Munyuki
Learn more4:00pmWednesday
We discuss the methods and measures needed to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured.
Learn more5:00pmWednesday
Featuring top 5 most happening tracks, Petersen Aka PJ entertains you with latest musical tracks as well as he hosts top Zambian artists.
Learn more7:00amThursday
Learn more8:00amThursday
The show is the combination of current affairs, social media trending stories, weather update, motivational and a pick from the newspapers. Here is the breakdown of the breakfast show……
Learn more12:00pmThursday
A musical show were listeners are given two tracks and vote for a track to play twice as you prepare for lunch.
Learn more1:00pmThursday
Hosted by Mwelwa Kapaso and Tracy Lwando the show focus on Nutrition and Foods. It take account of traditional and culture as well as modern eating habits.
Learn more2:00pmThursday
LAW & THE PEOPLE will help you understand the laws that protect our general safety and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself.
Learn more3:00pmThursday
The purpose of health talk is to share current information, discuss the benefits of optimal behaviors and how to overcome common challenges or barriers to these practices, and encourage participants to try new behaviors or continue positive behaviors.
Learn more5:00pmThursday
Featuring top 5 most happening tracks, Petersen Aka PJ entertains you with latest musical tracks as well as he hosts top Zambian artists.
Learn more6:30pmThursday
Hosted by Irvin and Juliet, the show gives a deep analysis of the story making headlines in the local news.
Learn more9:00pmThursday
Marriage is more than a physical union; it is also a spiritual and emotional union.
Learn more7:00amFriday
Learn more8:00amFriday
The show is the combination of current affairs, social media trending stories, weather update, motivational and a pick from the newspapers. Here is the breakdown of the breakfast show……
Learn more12:00pmFriday
A musical show were listeners are given two tracks and vote for a track to play twice as you prepare for lunch.
Learn more1:00pmFriday
Hosted by Mwelwa Kapaso and Tracy Lwando the show focus on Nutrition and Foods. It take account of traditional and culture as well as modern eating habits.
Learn more2:00pmFriday
Learn more3:00pmFriday
Learn more4:00pmFriday
We discuss the methods and measures needed to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured.
Learn more5:00pmFriday
Featuring top 5 most happening tracks, Petersen Aka PJ entertains you with latest musical tracks as well as he hosts top Zambian artists.
Learn more6:30pmFriday
Hosted by Irvin and Juliet, the show gives a deep analysis of the story making headlines in the local news.
Learn more6:00amMonday
The show is the combination of current affairs, social media trending stories, weather update, motivational and a pick from the newspapers. Here is the breakdown of the breakfast show……
Learn more10:00amMonday
The interview radio programme, it is a show hosting guests from various sectors such as political figures and various Experts to discuss issues affecting the nation.
Learn more12:00pmMonday
A musical show were listeners are given two tracks and vote for a track to play twice as you prepare for lunch.
Learn more1:00pmMonday
Hosted by Mwelwa Kapaso and Tracy Lwando the show focus on Nutrition and Foods. It take account of traditional and culture as well as modern eating habits.
Learn more4:00pmMonday
We discuss the methods and measures needed to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured.
Learn more5:00pmMonday
Featuring top 5 most happening tracks, Petersen Aka PJ entertains you with latest musical tracks as well as he hosts top Zambian artists.
Learn more6:15amSaturday
Learn more7:00amSaturday
Learn more9:05amSaturday
Learn more10:00amSaturday
Learn more2:00pmSaturday
Learn more3:00pmSaturday
Hosted by Mwelwa takes it down memory lane by featuring tracks done years back
Learn more6:00pmSaturday
Learn more12:00amSaturday
Learn more12:30pmSunday
Learn more2:00pmSunday
Learn more3:00pmSunday
Marriage is more than a physical union; it is also a spiritual and emotional union.
Learn more