There is no business, cry Olympia marketeers
Written by Millennium on January 15, 2019
SOME salon owners at Olympia Park Market have called on government to help them with some funds so that they can boost their businesses.
Some hair dressers talked to complained about the slow pace at which business is running in the area they described was no longer a residential area.
They said that they do not receive a good number of hair dressers as only one or two people go to have their hair done, a situation they describe as unfortunate.
‘’Business is down. We sometimes attend to only one person per day and sometimes we do not even receive any customers,’’ they said.
The hairdressers that opted to remain anonymous complained that they find it difficult raise enough money for school as well as meeting their day to day basic needs.
They also said that it is also difficult for them to pay shop rentals on time because they always have to take time to raise the expected amount.
‘’We are expected to pay K800 by three (3) months for rentals every month and always find it very difficult to pay on time on time,’’ they explained.
The complained that despite contributing certain amounts of money for acquiring forms and to expedite the process of getting marketeers empowerment funds, nothing has been done.
They said that it has been three (3) years now since the funds were promise to them and that nothing tangible has come out of.