360 expired condoms seized in Chama

Written by on January 29, 2019



HEALTH authorities in Chama swung action at the weekend and seized 360 expired condoms and other products worth more than K1, 000.

Chama District health environmental health technologist, Kunda Mukungule said the ministry of health seized expired Maximum condoms, drinks, lotions during a routine inspection of shops in the district’s Chikwa area.

‘‘We carried a routine inspection in shops and other business entities in Chikwa area in Chama an effort to ensure that people are not consuming expired or wrong products that may injure their health.

“During the exercise we seized expired condoms, drinks, lotion and salt valued at over K1, 000,” Mr Mukungule said.

Mr Mukungule said the team of inspectors discovered about 30 dozens of condoms expired   June 18, 2018.

Mr Mukungule warned customers to always check the expiry date of products before buying them.

‘‘Expired condoms are often drier and weaker, so they’re more likely to break during intercourse. This may put people at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or unwanted pregnancies.

“And if not properly handled this can contribute to the already increasing cases of teen pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections,’’ he said.

Mr Mukungule warned businesses against selling expired products to unsuspecting consumers and as they risked prosecution in accordance with Food and Drugs Act Cap 303 of the Laws of Zambia.

“It is worrying that some traders have continued to sell expired products with the potential to harm consumers.

“We would like to warn traders who are in the habit of selling unsuitable products and goods which have expired to desist from doing so as they risk being prosecuted,” Mr Mukungule said

Mr Mukungule advised consumers to report traders selling good that have exceeded shelf life to relevant authorities to ensure their lives were safeguarded.

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