How to Increase Followers on Instagram for Real

Written by on July 3, 2019

Instagram is one of the world’s most popular social networks. You can post photos, videos, and ephemeral stories on Instagram, and it’s proven to be one platform where many big brands have found success in reaching their audience. It’s not easy to increase Instagram followers but if you follow these tips, and form a strong strategy, you will see the results. At the heart of Instagram lies quality content — you just can’t succeed without it, but there’s a lot more to increasing your Instagram followers than meets the eye. Here are our best tips to help you increase Instagram followers.

1. Know why you are on Instagram

This sounds really simple, but it is the most important thing if you want to increase Instagram followers. What are you on Instagram for? Is it to drive traffic to your website? Is it to reach a new audience? Whatever it is, you need to define your goal and then form a strategy towards achieving that.

2. Quality matters

You can’t get away with low-effort, half-hearted posts on Instagram. If your strategy revolves around photos, make sure you take great pictures of whatever you’re trying to promote. For instance, you could post a picture of a book you’re reviewing with a coffee mug next to it on a plush wooden table — this will immediately attract more people towards your photo caption and that is a big win. If you are posting videos, make sure you edit them properly and if possible, add either subtitles or text on the video because videos are muted by default.

3. Post detailed captions

We’ve seen accounts posting detailed accounts of how a picture was taken, detailed recipes and cooking methods, and even whole book reviews posted as Instagram captions. All of this on extremely popular accounts on Instagram, which shows that along with quality content, you should post detailed captions too. This is not something you should do every single time, but every time the caption adds a lot to your photo or video, you should post a detailed one.

4. Don’t forget the hashtags

There’s no need to spam hashtags to increase Instagram followers, but you should definitely use three or four popular hashtags relevant to your audience. There are niche hashtags for various communities or interests and you should definitely target these to boost your reach.

5. Post Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories allow you to jump the news feed queue by default, and they even have a prominent slot on the Discover page. This is reason enough to make good use of Stories. We’ve found that people love sending their tech-related queries to us via Instagram Stories’ QnA feature, and we’re sure you’ll be able to find a better way to engage with your audience via Stories. You can even add links to Stories if your account has that feature, so it’s another reason to use this as much as possible

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