Written by Millennium on May 26, 2019
I wish to express my displeasure how the Zambian economy faring of late. From October, 1964 to 1980 Zambian economy was marvelous.
It was K1 equivalent to 1 pound but from 1984 the Zambia economy started going down.
The point here is that we had more industries and we were exporting a lot to other countries hence the strength of our kwacha.
In the present days we tend to import than exporting. This trend is a disaster to Zambian economy.
We need to shift to industrialization instead of importing. We need to intensify on opening up more industries.
We are improving in building more shopping malls cos most of the merchandise is imported and is a danger to our economy.
Emphasis must be placed on improving our agriculture sector, Tourism , bring better investors, etc otherwise our economy will never improve.
We have serious high qualified economists who need to help the ruling government in improving our economy.
It is uncalled for a qualified accountant and economist failing to help and you call yourselves as high qualified person.
Let us get involved in improving the economy and government to reduce in constructing shopping mall cos citizens will not consume shops.
Let us shift the economy to industrialization by creating more industries. We wonder what the advisors to the president on economy do at state house.
Move out of the slumber and work up . Let us work for our country and stop waffling here and there. Let us get on to work and ensure the economy improves.