Housewife dumped for disrespecting mother-in-law
Written by Millennium on April 20, 2019
A 24-year-old house in Ndola has been divorced for disrespecting and insulting her mother-in-law and disliking her husband’s sister.
This a case in which Charles Mulenga a 31 year old business man of Kabushi township sued his wife
Juliet Ng`onga of Kabushi Township has lost her marriage after her husband, Charles Mulenga, sued for divorce because of disrespectful tendencies by the woman.
Mr Mulenga told the court that they got married in 2010 and have two children in their marriage which was consumated after K70 dowry was paid.
He said they lived well until he started selling alcohol at the market and whenever he came back home, he would find his wife in a foul mood.
One day, he narrated, he was speaking with his mother on phone when his wife walked in and slapped him in the face.
He said she was upset that he loved talking to his mother as though he wanted to be sleeping with her.
Mr Mulenga said his wife was a disrespectful woman who insulted his mother and that her insults led to his mother disowning him.
“Each time I came back home from the market, she would pick a fight with me and always told me that I am impotent and that I do not satisfy her,” he said.
The case came before Kabushi Local Court senior presiding magistrate Agnes Mulenga sitting with Mildred Namwizye and Evelyn Nalwizya.
Mr Mulenga said his wife wanted to be the head of the house and made him feel as though he was non-entity.
He complained that each time they had sex, she used to tell him that he had no strength.
His wife, he said, did not like any of his relatives to live with them and that he ended up renting a separate house for his siblings for them to live in peace.
Mr Mulenga said initially, they were staying in Kaputa district, but he decided to come to Ndola to look for better business for him to continue supporting his family.
“When I came with my sister to Ndola, my wife went to report me to Victim Support Unit that I had abandoned my marriage and the children,” he said.
He said his wife sold everything in their house back in Kaputa and followed him to Ndola.
Ms Mulenga said when she came to Ndola she used to pick fights with his sister and one day she had his sister got arrested after they fought.
He said he had tried to be patient and tolerated her behaviour but could not stomach it anymore.
In her statement, Ms N’gonga said she was not going to divorce her husband because she had no where to take her children.
She said they lived well for seven years and that problems started when she was accused of damaging her husband’s waist.
Ms N’gonga said her husband’s relatives took him from his matrimonial home and he went to live with his sister where they used herbal medicine on him.
She said from there, her husband called her saying he failed to live in Kaputa because of witchcraft and travelled to Ndola to look for business.
“When I joined him in Ndola, we used to quarrel over his sister as she did not want to do any work at home,” she said.
She said one day she complained about her behaviour of not sweeping the house and that was when she followed her outside where they fought and ended up being arrested.
Ms N’gonga said when her husband heard that his sister was arrested, he beat her and told her that she had no right to get his sister arrested.
“He favours his sister more than me and this had made his sister to undermine each decision I make in the house,” she said.
In passing judgment, the court granted divorce on grounds that the wife has no respect in their marriage.
The court ordered Mr Mulenga to compensate Ms N’gonga with K7,000 with the first payment of K1,000 and thereafter K400 monthly and to pay K400 per month as child maintenance.