Bus conductor fined K5, 000 for impregnating school girl

Written by on April 18, 2019

A BUS conductor of Makeni Simoson area has been ordered by the Kanyama Local Court to pay K5, 000 for deflowering and impregnating a school girl.
Thomas Mutale, 20, was sued by Angela Gondwe, 43, of the same locality for refusing to compel him to pay the same.
Particulars of the matter are that that on unknown dates in 2018 Mutale deflowered and impregnated Gondwe’s daughter and admitted doing so.
Gondwe told the court that Mutale, after admitting the offence, was charged K5, 000 which Mutale’s grandmother agreed to pay in installments but since then nothing has been paid.
She further told the court that Mutale’s grandmother assured her of the money as soon as he started working.
She said that her daughter had to stop school to take care of the child while Mutale played around.
“When my daughter was deflowered by this boy, his grandmother said he will pay once he started working which he did but nothing has been paid and this boy is very rude, whenever I ask him about the money he answers me very rudely,” Gondwe said.
In his defence, Mutale said he had not refused to pay the money because he loved his baby and its mother, and that if his mother in law could give him a bit of time he would start paying the money as agreed.
“Who said I refused paying, the problem is my mother in law who likes money very much, my grandmother agreed for the sake of peace but she is too old to work that’s why I said when I start work I will pay ,right now I’m just a conductor with a grade 12 certificate,” Mutale said.
Magistrate Mubukwanu Matalaka ordered Mutale to pay the K5,000 in monthly installments of K500.

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