Youth activist resolve to uplift the girl child

Written by on April 9, 2019


THE girl child should be allowed to continue school even after falling pregnant because it is the only way
the nation will ensure more girls attain education, says youth activist Chris Chiinda.
Mr Chiinda told The Sun, in an interview, that girl children should never be given chance to drop out of school
but should be encouraged at every stage so they could also attain education.
He said he had decided to also contribute to that course through sponsoring some girl children to back to
school, particularly those that dropped out of school after they fell pregnant.

Mr Chiinda said other than sponsoring the girl child, he would also support male youths who may have
dropped out of school and did not have money to go back.
He observed that, having been brought up in different homes, under poor conditions, he thought it appropriate
to also support youths who were less fortunate but determine to make it in life.
“I grew up poor but worked hard to get to where I am today. It’s important for the youth to get inspired by my
background, and to also understand that it does not matter how poor a person but everyone can make it in life as
long as they work hard,” he stated.
Mr Chiinda regretted that some youths in the country have resorted to engaging in bad behaviour, such
alcohol abuse, as a way of life instead of school and other profitable ventures.
“I grew up in Munali constituency so I think it’s my responsibility to do what I can for the community there. My
message to the youth is that I grew up poor and has never worked for government or any big organisation to get
gratuity and start a business but here I am. I have a big name today because of hard work,” he said.
He stated that, “The youth must not wait to be employed by government or big organisations but should strive
to create their own opportunities.”
Mr. Chiinda, who has already announced plans to contest the Munali Parliamentary seat, said that his passion
to help develop the community enticed him to consider to contesting the position.
“My ability to help my community in Munali is limited at the moment because of lack of resources. I would like to
do more with support from government,” he said

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