Written by Millennium on April 7, 2019
ON one hand, are people gathering in concerts, church services and various Christian jamborees followed by speaking in tongues in somewhat monotonous ways.

Their music is loud and full of professional instrumentalists each trying to outplay the other; well, in trying to be the loudest. On the other hand, are yet other Christians in various gatherings with one, two or none of the musical instruments clapping their hands as they sing and burst into tongues. In both instances, several people call it praise and worship.

Having been in both sides, I began to get weary of what we coin ‘praise and worship.’ “Is this all there is to it?” I kept asking myself. Many still think like I once thought that if only we had more musical instruments, we would have a richer worship in church
However, I have come to realize that people do not know how to worship because they do not know who they worship.
With or without musical equipment, if one does not know how to worship, he remains in a state of musical confusion and chaos. Gifting someone who does not know worship with musical equipment is as good as giving one a gun and ammunition who does not know anything about victory and defense hoping he would defeat his enemy and defend his possessions.

Such a one would forget who the real enemy was and turn his weapon on his own family. That is what we are evidently seeing in the body of Christ as we see brethren ‘vowing’ to out-do each other.
Worship services have turned into ‘battle’ grounds where worship leader ‘A’ makes sure everybody knows that he certainly is better than worship leader ‘B’.
When we go back (repent!) and realize who we worship, who we adore, He who is worthy and the reason for our living – Jesus Christ, we will be changed, and our worship gatherings will never be the same. He is seeking expensive worship.

The Bible puts it this way, “God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24.
Being a Pastor, one of the things that worried me most was the way people seemed not to change their attitude towards what God demands even after being taught. I discovered many reasons why people do not change their attitudes. These, among others, included unregenerate lives, ignorance and minds that were not renewed. By and large, when people know who they worship and what He requires of them, their attitudes begin to change.
The Full Life Study Bible notes that the English word “worship” is derived from an old English worthiness word “worthship”, and constitutes those actions and attitudes that revere and honor the great God of heaven and earth. This worship is God-centred, not man-centred.

Every worshiper must remember that God is the center of our worship and anything that substitutes that is no more than idolatry. God deserves our worship because He is worthy. Worship is not cheap, worship is expensive.
Bishop Eddie Mulenga, the anointed preacher and worship leader
BISHOP Eddie Mulenga is the presiding bishop of a vibrant ministry, called Liberty Christian Centre, whose impact is felt across the nation of Zambia and abroad.
He is married to Reverend Jane Mulenga and they have five lovely children.
He has been involved in ministry for over 20 years and holds a Bachelors degree in Theology and Organisational Leadership and a Masters degree in Conflict Resolution and Organisational Leadership. Currently. He is currently pursuing a PHD in Theology and Organisational Leadership.
He is known to many as a great worship leader, an anointed preacher and teacher of the word of God. His ministry is centred on proclaiming the Lords favour, nurture and releasing ministries to nations (Luke 4:18-19).
He is also the founder and president of Kabod Ministry, a ministry that introduces people to the experiential knowledge of the glory of God.
He is the author of the best seller, Expensive Worship, a must read for every believer desiring a deep and rich worship to God. His love and passion for the work of God has connected him to both the young and older generation across denominations in a remarkable way.
He is a prolific conference speaker and undeniably a gifted television/radio personality. At Liberty Christian Centre, in Zambia and now even overseas, he is simply called, the Bish!
Lulumbi On July 10, 2020 at 10:55 am
Wow! Enlightening