Divorced woman walks away K12, 000 richer

Written by on April 6, 2019

A Lusaka security guard who sued his wife for divorce has been ordered to compensate her with K12,000 by the Matero Local Court.
Saviour Phiri, 44, of Marapodi sued his wife Josephine Tembo,38, for divorce due to them having problems.
The two were appearing before local magistrate magistrate Harriet Mulenga sitting with Pauline Newa.
Phiri told the court that they had not lived well since they got married in 1994 and have six children together.
“Whenever I don’t bring money home Tembo insults me and takes me to the police and I have even slept on the streets for two days,
“We have six children. I want to divorce because we only have had problems between us. Tembo does not respect me. We were even divorced by the court in 2015 but she begged be to reconcile and I felt pity for the children I forgave and re-married her”.
Phiri said after getting her back she resorted to her old bad ways of living, forcing him to sue for divorce.
“After a week she went back to her old ways. She would usually tell me that one of us will go to the police and the other to the mortuary. I once bought a book for our daughter to be using to study and she started saying that she is my girlfriend. I wash for myself and we haven’t had sex for a year,” said Phiri
In defence Tembo told the court that they had never lived well ever since they got married.
“Whenever he gets paid he fails to come home but comes when he has squandered the, he does not take care of the children we usually trouble each other over their upkeep”.
“I usually take him to the police because he doesn’t take care of our children; he once left us without paying rentals. He is never home even when he is off. I followed him one day and saw him entering another woman’s house,” said Tembo
“There is lack of communication, trust, support and there is violence in this marriage. Divorce has been granted this marriage cannot work,
“You will compensate Phiri with K12,000 and maintain your children with K500 per month, you will also pay for their education and healthcare. All house hold goods will be shared equally said,” said Magistrate Mulenga

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