Written by on March 31, 2019



POLICE in Isoka have gunned down a dangerous criminal suspected to be behind the spate of murders in the district and in the neighbouring Mafinga district.

Muchinga Province Police Commissioner Joel Njase said the police conducted an investigation that led them to a dangerous criminal who was later surrounded and shot down as he attempted to open fire on them.

Mr Njase identified the suspected criminal as Willans Siwale, believed to be between 30 and 35 years old, and of unknown address.

“I can confirm that police have gunned down a person suspected to be a hired killer locally, identified as Willans Siwale but goes by the street name Jambazi,   believed to be behind the murder of male Greenwell Singoyi who was shot dead on Tuesday at Nchinde village in Chief Kafwimbi’s area,” Mr Njase said.

Mr Njase said police shot the suspect after he tried to retaliate against their ambush after two warning shoots.

Mr Njase explained that police called the suspect and pretended to be clients trying to have someone killed on their behalf and later agreed to meet with him in order to make payment.

“The suspect demanded to be paid K1, 000 or a cow when police told him they wished to hire him to kill a person suspected of witchcraft. He also confirmed he was the sniper behind the recent shootings in the area,” Mr Njase said.

Mr Njase said the suspect is alleged to have been behind the spate of killings in Isoka and Mafinga districts.

“The suspect was found with a homemade gun, charms around the waist, 8 rounds of shot gun ammunition, two expanded ammunition and a big knife,” he said.

Mr Njase said the body of the deceased suspect was deposited in Isoka District mortuary awaiting identification and burial.

Mr Njase has warned hired killers and witch finders in the habit of harassing persons suspected of practicing witchcraft, that the law would soon catch up with them.

And Isoka District Commissioner Evenwell Mutambo has commended the police command in the region for gunning down the suspected killer who had murdered people in Isoka and Mafinga districts.

Mr Mutambo said more than five people have so far been killed within a space of one week on suspicion of practicing witchcraft.

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