Written by Millennium on March 20, 2019
GOVERNMENT is aware of the shortage of beds and beddings in some clinics, especially referral hospitals, in rural areas, Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya has said.
Dr. Chilufya told The Sun that his ministry was in the process of acquiring blankets and beds, and other requirements, for the hospitals that are in need.
Patients in some hospitals have complained of being forced to share beds with other patients, in the children ward, forcing some of them to resort to sleep on the floor.
“We are a listening government and we have heard the cries of the citizens. We are a government that wants to work for the people,” he said.
Dr. Chilufya said the ministry did not want to promise when the beds and beddings would be provided to the hospital but called on people to be patient as the process was ongoing.
He said that his ministry was also in the process of undertaking a tour of the hospitals in the nation in order to learn about their requirements.
“It is only after we tour the health facilities that we will come up with a comprehensive and appropriate budget for their requirements,” he said.
The minister appealed to patients and the citizens in general to assist government through cooperating with the health care providers who are relying on insufficient equipment.