Restoration of the Family Spirit
Written by Millennium on March 17, 2019
Malachi 4:5-6
Our society is experiencing a very serious breakdown of family values and family structure. The family and home which was designed to be a place of love and serenity has been turned into a battle zone.
It is strange that at a time when humanity has made significant headways in information and technology, our society has failed to make headways in the area of marriage and family.

It is interesting to note that our parents who were old fashioned, uneducated and uncivilized managed to raise up successful and stable families while modern day parents who are civilized, educated and advanced are struggling with marriage and family
1. No proper Spiritual Foundation
Psalm 127:1- if God is not involved in a marriage relationship, it will not stand the test of time
2. Inadequate Preparation for marriage and Family Life
Genesis 24:15-21
Marriage and family is a life time commitment which demands serious preparation and sacrifice.

Modern day couples spend millions into wedding preparations but spend very little into their marriage life preparation.
3. Getting into Marriage with wrong motives
Isaiah 4:1
Because of desperation and age pressure men and women end up picking wrong spouses/partners
It is unfortunate a good number of people go into marriage for wrong reasons. They don’t understand the purpose and meaning of marriage and family.
4. Love of the Material/Money
1Timothy 6:6-10
A marriage which is built on the love of money and not on love cannot stand the test of time. Such a marriage will not create room for sacrifice and it always place money interests above family interests
5. Gender Rights/Equality
Ephesians 5:22-33
Headship and submission is Divine structure for family leadership
We are all equal before God but we are not equal in leadership responsibilities or gender roles
6. Increase in Divorce Cases
Negative effects of divorce:
It has increased the number of single parents
It has led to increased numbers of dysfunctional families
it deprives children of marriage and family role models
Every divorce case has the potential to destroy another marriage. It has a ripple effect
7. The Modern Day Working Culture
The Dictionary of Christianity says “In response to the Industrial revolution, the family experienced fragmentation of time and space.”
The modern day working culture is ‘anti- family’ and therefore contributing to family breakdown.
It promotes abnormal working hours- (Deuteronomy 24:5)
It allows husband and wife to work in different towns/countries
It is designed in a way that husbands and wives spend more time and energy at work than with their families
It places work above family
It does not reward its workforce with family holidays and outings
It does not provide for marriage and family counselling
8. Modern Day Education System
It promotes abnormal learning hours
It cuts off children from home/ family responsibilities
It places academic excellence above family excellence
It does not inculcate values and discipline in children
We are producing academicians who know nothing about marriage and family life.
My Academic and Ministry Profile
Academic Profile
Diploma in Biblical studies- Kaniki Bible College-1997 1998
Bachelor of Theology- Kaniki Bible University College-2012-2014
Ministry Profile
Youth Pastor-School Missions for Christ International- 1999-2001
Senior Pastor at Breakthrough Worship Centre from 2002
Lusaka Regional Overseer (Apostolic church in Zambia)- 2004 -2013
Deputy National Bishop (Apostolic Church in Zambia)- From 2013
Evengelical fellowship of Zambia board Member-From 2013
National Parole Board Member –From 2014
Authored the following books:
The Blessing is my portion
From a Sour to a Sweet Marriage
They will flourish like a Palm tree
Supernatural church growth
Bishop z is the Senior Pastor of Breakthrough Worship Centre- a branch church of the Apostolic Church in Zambia and is also the Deputy National Overseer for the Apostolic Church in Zambia providing spiritual oversight to over 300 churches. He also serves as a board member for the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia and the National Parole Board Zambia under the ministry of home affairs.
He has a strong Apostolic and teaching ministry both inside and outside Zambia. He is an author and a conference speaker and ministers in many countries.
He is married to a very beautiful wife, Beatrice and God has blessed them with three children, Joy, Shalom and Destiny
Contact details:
Breakthrough Worship Centre
Plot No E23193, PHI, Lusaka
Landline: 260 211 281876
Cell: 0966/ 0979 740963 or