Written by on February 19, 2019


SOME residents of Ndola’s Chipulukusu Township have expressed displeasure over lack of lavatories at Mapalo local court.

The local court which was commissioned in 2014 has operated without lavatories yet court sessions took the whole day and people were forced go to nearby houses to answer calls of nature.

Some residents in an interview yesterday wondered why the court was operating without toilets in place.

Mr John Mpundu said it was unhealthy that such a public facility had no toilets and yet it was fully operational

“This place has huge space and so many people come here daily to have their cases heard and for it to have no toilets is unhealthy’ said Mr Mpundu.

He said whenever people wanted to use the toilets, they had to ask those living near the local court to allow them usage of the facilities.

They noted that at first people used to allow them freely but after it became too much, the owners of the toilets started to charge K2 for use of toilets.

Another resident, Mary Kunda, said some people were forced to help themselves outside the facility which posed serious health challenges

She said that even the magistrates and clerks at the local court were finding it difficult to ask around for the convenience facilities.

Ms Kunda the court was not a conducive environment for judiciary employees to work in as it had no toilets which were important at every work place.

Mr John Bwalya, another resident, wondered why it was taking long to just put up toilets at the local court.

Mr Bwalya has since called on Government to expedite the process of putting up toilets at the local court.

Ndola City Council management could not be immediately reached for a comment.

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