The Mirror Check
Written by Millennium on February 17, 2019
A mirror is a surface or object that forms an image by reflection. By standing in front of a mirror, you can be able to see your exact reflection.
Mirrors have varying reflecting surfaces. Sometimes the surface may be convex (bulging outward) or concave (bulging inward). The image you see of yourself reflected from such surfaces is distorted.
The image you believe in and see yourself today is as a result of the kind of mirror you’ve been looking at. Some people see themselves as nothing. It is not because they are nothing, but they are looking at the wrong mirror.
Ponder on this. What image are you seeing of yourself right now?
Secondly, what mirror are you using?
Gideon saw himself as the least and so when the Lord showed him his true reflection by telling him he is a mighty warrior, Gideon said,
“Me, my master? How and with what could I ever save Israel? Look at me. My clan’s the weakest in Manasseh and I’m the runt of the litter.” [Judges 6:15 MSG]
Do you see that? Looking at the wrong mirror will cause you to deny your true image and take up a distorted one.

The word of God reveals our true image. See yourself exactly how God sees you. God sees you as great, extraordinary and as a victor. Behold this truth! It’s who you are. Do not let your current situation blur your view of who you really are.
You are beyond special and you matter in this world. Never forget that.
Pastor Gomezyo Shamane is the founder and Pastor of Life Reach Church. He got born again at the tender age of 9 years old. Since then, he has faithfully served the Lord in manifold capacities and platforms.

In the secular world, he is an entrepreneur and an accountant by profession. In reaching out to the saints and nation at large, Pastor Gomezyo is currently serving as a minister of the gospel, executive member of one of the most impactful movements in Zambia – The Word Empowerment movement. As an author, he published his first book in 2017, The Word-Full Are Power-Full, which is a three-part devotional series that has been distributed to all nine provinces of Zambia and other countries including Zimbabwe, Norway and Seychelles. In 2018, he released another life enriching book titled Beautiful vs. Beauty-Fool, which has empowered many to walk in their identity.
As an ordained minister, he is currently shepherding the newly founded church, Life Reach Church, whose purpose is to reach out and proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus and also, to serve as a harbor where people will find a home that will provide comfort, encouragement and empowerment by the riches of God’s word, in order to become a relevant and beneficial people in society. Life Reach Church services are held every Sunday from 13:30hrs to 16:30hrs at Waddington Center which is located off Burma road, near Kwacha Station.