Written by Millennium on February 11, 2019
JUST why some people over-speed on the roads, like they have signed death warrants, is something we find so difficult to understand.
We find it difficult to understand because, in most cases, these over-speeding drivers are not infact rushing anywhere or have any emergencies to attend to. They are merely persons who want to over speed because they desire to show off or are intoxicated with something. For why should someone choose to endanger their own lives and that of other road users, by over speeding for no apparent reason at all.
We have seen and experienced so many fatal crashes, and lost so many innocent lives, simply because of careless and irresponsible drivers. Most people that have gone too soon, through the carelessness of some drivers, would still be walking the earth today if only every chauffeur exercised a bit more responsibility and care on our roads.
We say so because a normal human being would not put himself or others in a dangerous and potentially fatal situation as to over-speed his vehicle anyhow. Never mind the weather condition, the nature of the road surface, the signage or the condition of the vehicle because they are, in most cases, the reason people would crash on the roads or cause other people’s deaths.
Like Chirundu District Commissioner, Alfred Hamunjo, rightly observed, drivers on our roads, ought to be very responsible because every human life is precious and no one should take or end it through avoidable and unnecessary accidents. For just what is wrong with people observing the road signs, driving their vehicles at normal speed, and help preserve your life and other lives