Written by Millennium on February 8, 2019
THE planned March 13 FAZ annual general meeting (AGM) should not go ahead because it has violated the soccer governing mother body constitution, says Chingola-based soccer administrator Blackwell Siwale
Siwale said that this year’s AGM was a violation of the association’s constitution because to start with no agenda has been availed to football councillors from the provinces.
Speaking in an interview with the Sun Sports the former FAZ executive committee member said if the annual general meeting would be preceded by provincial elections that would elect members to attend the AGM, FAZ should have availed councillors the agenda of the meeting according to article 22 read together with article 33 of the FAZ constitution.
“As if the falling standards of football are not bad enough already, the Kamanga-led executive committee is not doing enough to address the situation,
“I have told Kamanga and his executive to follow the constitution and in the absence of an agenda for 2019 AGM, what mandate will the councillors go with to the meeting as they represent the entire provinces,”
“When you elect councillors to represent a province, they are supposed to be availed with agenda documents as well the guidelines for these elections, he said
Siwale further observed that there were no guidelines and rules governing the provincial conferences and elections, adding that would there be another provincial conference for the elective AGM in 2020.
He said that it was surprising that Kamanga would be attending all the provincial conferences when it was not necessary for him to do so
“Importantly there no rules guiding these elections and its surprising why an entire president could be globetrotting attending to all the provincial conferences, is it to install his own people so that he is not impeached at the next AGM,’’ he said.