Luchanga, Nsofwa belong to Lusaka Dynamos

Written by on February 1, 2019



THE FAZ Player Status and Transfer Committee has ruled that striker Conlyde Luchanga and Mwansa Nsofwa rightfully belong to Lusaka Dynamos Football Club.

Power Dynamos Football Club reported Luchanga and Nsofwa to FAZ for breach of contract after they allegedly signed contracts with the Kitwe side on account that they had terminated their contracts with Lusaka Dynamos.

According to the judgment by committee vice chairperson David Simusamba, Luchanga and Nsofwa have been fined K10, 000 and ordered to compensate Power Dynamos for its expenses on the duo.

Details obtained by the Lusaka Sun Sports yesterday were that Power Dynamos brought a complaint against Lusaka Dynamos when latter refused to authorize the transfer of the two players.

 The refusal was on the ground that, that the players were still under contract with Lusaka Dynamos when in fact there was no such valid contract with the concerned players.

At the hearing on  January, 21 Happie Munkondya appearing on behalf of the complainant club submitted orally and in writing that on  October 30, 2018 the 1st player arrived at their club and asked to join them.

They consequently constituted an interviewing panel which interviewed Luchanga.

During the interview Luchanga presented a copy of his contract to the Lusaka Dynamos and a copy of a letter of termination of this contract.

Based on Luchanga’s submissions and the outcome of the interview, they signed a pre-contract agreement on 31st October, 2018 and a fixed contract was executed on 16th November, 2018.

On November 27, 2018 they received a letter from Maestro United Zambia Academy (F.C MUZA) claiming that the Luchanga belonged to them and thus his transfer must be managed by them.

On Nsofwa Power submitted that sometime in October, 2018 the player approached them and asked to join them.  He presented to them copies of his contract from Lusaka Dynamos club together with a letter of termination of his contract.

After that a three years contract was signed on 9 November 9, 2018.

Oliver Shalala (Lusaka Dynamos) who appeared with Francis Bwalya on behalf of Power submitted orally and in writing that the players were bonafide employees of their club as they both had running contracts.

Lusaka Dynamos further denied receipt of the purported letters of termination of the contracts with the players and added that the Power did not carry out due diligence to ascertain the statuses of the players.

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