Govt for all sports

Written by on February 1, 2019



GOVERNMENT is committed to supporting all forms of sports disciplines including traditional ones such as Nsolo, says Director of Sports Bessie Chilemu has said.

Responding to concerns raised by Mtendere Nsolo Club chairman Timothy Mphande who appealed to relevant stakeholders to support the re-establishment of a league for traditional sports like Nsolo, Chilemu said that the ministry sports was committed to supporting all forms sports in Zambia.

“And let me state clearly that with us there is nothing like minor or major sports because what we want to see as government is that sport in general is developed in this country,” Chilemu said.

She said that the ministry would endeavor to support all kinds of sports whether traditional or contemporary.

Speaking to the Sun Sports in Lusaka recently, Mphande said the re-establishment of a league for Nsolo would promote the sport among elders in various communities in Zambia.

Mphande said elders were being left out in a number of sporting activities which was not good for their health.

He said that promoting Nsolo would see the aged taking part in active sports for physical fitness in line with President Edgar Lungu’s appeal last year for all citizens including elders to venture into sports activities.

President Lungu said involvement in sports activities by the aged would help fight non communicable diseases (NCDs) associated with old age.

The president who on a number of occasions has been captured doing exercises said appropriate physical activity may be a valuable tool in healing programmes for the control and amelioration (rehabilitation) of cardiovascular, coronary artery, hypertension, congenital heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, stress and obesity among others.

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