Social Cash transfer helps
Written by Millennium on August 27, 2020
THERE is a Bible verse where the Lord Jesus declares “the poor will always be amongst us”, and so it is imperative for any society to keep in mind the most vulnerable members amongst us and offer some form of relief.
Government, through the Ministry of Community Development has implemented the Social Cash Transfer programme since 2003.
This initiative seeks to assist the most vulnerable community members to attain some measure of dignity.
The token amount may seen small to the average citizen but to many beneficiaries the knock-on effect is immeasurable. Often that money is used as seed money for business or used to purchase food thereby easing the financial constraints experienced by the household.
In spite of the austerity measures and the raging storm of Covid-19, Government through the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services has continued disbursing funds for social cash transfer.
Amongst the beneficiaries are the vulnerable people in the Zambezi District of North Western province.
Acting Zambezi District Social Welfare Officer, Simasiku Nyambesays many children and adolescents in Zambia face multiple vulnerabilities such as household poverty, lack of education, malnutrition and child marriage.
Mr Nyambe said the SCT aims to address such challenges and increase access to services for households and caring for highly vulnerable children and adolescents at the household level.
“Government is committed to addressing these susceptibility, and expanding social protection initiatives, especially the Social Cash Transfer programme”, he said.
Mr Nyambe disclosed that to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in disbursing social cash transfer funds, government has introduced an online payment system which is being piloted across the country.
He said the system will ease the work and challenges of pay point managers who are involved in disbursement of funds, especially in curbing beneficiaries who register twice or in two different districts as the system will automatically reject such beneficiaries.
“This time the government is paying funds using a new model called Zambia integrated social protection information system (ZISPIS). This is in a bid to ensure that even those in a remote areas are covered effectively,” Mr Nyambe stated.
The use of technology will translate in an even more efficient system in ensuring the funds reach the intended target.
Rural communities are often dependent on peasant farming and often have no hope for a regular cash income and so the cash transfer acts as a cushion in enabling achieve some form of financial stability.
Womba Chakalela of Senior Chief Ishindi has testified how the social cash transfer has helped in alleviating poverty.
“Some of us are surviving because of this same social cash transfer money. To some it is little but for some of us we have invested it in business and we are now able to feed our children with good meals,” Ms Chakalela said.
She said the money may appear to be small but if well invested, beneficiaries are able to realise meaningful development at family level.
Government must be commended for ensuring that this key service is provided.