Man gets 6 months for theft

Written by on July 20, 2020


The Lusaka magistrates court has jailed a man six months for breaking into a house and stealing property worth K8,000.

Before magistrate Kate Sakwanda was Dickson Soko,20 accused of breaking into the house of Annie Ndlovu on April 30 2020.

Facts before the court were  that Ndlovu left her house secured and went for work.

When she returned home from work, she found the door to her house open and things scattered inside.

House hold goods worth K8,000 were stolen from her house and goods worth K6,500 was recovered.

Soko pleaded for mercy from the court saying he was sorry and learned  a lesson the time he has spent in police cells.

He asked the court for leniency and complained of the bad conditions in prison.

Magistrate Sakwanda said Soko should have thought of the consequences of his actions before going to steal.

She said Soko derived  Ndlovu of her property she worked hard for to obtain.

The court jailed Soko six months Imprisonment with hard labor.

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