Written by Millennium on July 7, 2019
SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: Genesis 37:1-10, Genesis 50:19-21 and JEREMIAH 29:11,
PROPHET Enock Kalunga
DESTINY is the prophetic agenda of God upon your life. This is a prophetic personal message.
Most people go through life looking, desiring and even become frustrated because they do not take time to cultivate the desires that GOD has already instilled in them.
It is the simple things in life that you were once most passionate about that should be cultivated into a fulfilling, purposeful and successful life.
Desires that you had as a child always come back as you thirst for that which is satisfying in your life.
From the scripture cited in Genesis 37 we see that Joseph was pregnant with destiny from the time of his youth and despite being fought by his brothers they could not terminate his God given assignment.
The amazing ideas that excited you in the past never leave you as they are assigned to fulfil all that GOD has created you to accomplish in life.
The ideas that GOD gives his children ignites a burning fire that will never go out. Please keep in mind that everything that is created – is created to serve a purpose. You are no different.
GOD gives each and every one of us a glimpse of our future and has implanted the seeds of destiny in our hearts.
Giving birth to your destiny is an extremely difficult and exhausting process, but inevitably your misery will turn into joy and you will produce the product of grace that you have always dreamt of and were created for. Just like a baby hidden in the womb, so are the promises GOD has given to us.
In the book of Jeremiah 29:11,God speaks to each of us concerning our future as if to conceive within us HIS will and purpose for our lives.
I challenge you to experience the impartation of GOD’S grace and faith to fulfill all that GOD has for you. I’ve heard it said that when the enemy attacks your dreams, you are on the right track!
Do not allow your life to pass you by while you refuse to satisfy the thirst and desires that GOD has permanently placed inside of you.
Your desires are not only for yourself, but they are intended to help others give birth and walk into their life purpose as well.
In Genesis 50:19-21 we see how God used Joseph to bring salvation and deliverance to his family and ultimately to all Israel.
I challenge you today to take some time during your day to think about what you are passionate about? Think about what drives you the most.
You should also think about what you do that makes others happy. Do not hold that baby too long.
Do not let your baby die in your womb. When you are pregnant with purpose having a great delivery is right in your hand!
GOD is going to birth something in you and through you, so start pressing, pushing and pursuing. Your dream will become your reality. You must – pursue – conquer – achieve!
PROPHET Enock Kalunga is the CEO and founder of Kingdom Birth Ministries based at Fountain of Hope in Lusaka’s Kamwala Township. He is a true son of the Zambian soil born and breed in Lusaka’s Chilenje Township.
At a young age, he had a spiritual encounter that led him to dedicate his life to serving God. Enock Kalunga is a husband and father of two beautiful children Joshua and Ndanji Dinel.
Enock Kalunga is a born prophet imparted by the Holy Spirit. He is known for his deliverance ministry through the word of revelation as well as forensic Holy Ghost scanning with high frequency prophetic dimensions coupled with proven evidence and undeniable results.
Prophet Kalunga is the spiritual son of Br. Joshua Ignila, a major prophet from Nigeria.
He believes that he has been called to a people who are tired and his message is based on salvation through the revelation of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Prophet Kalunga believes that apart from receiving and confessing Jesus Christ as our lord and personal savior one needs to fully understand the bloodline they are coming from because the pattern of issues one passes through is directly connected to their bloodline.
Enock Kalunga assignment is to bring back lost hope by revealing the mind of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit set the captives free.
He strongly believes that you can never meet God and your life remains the same because when power and power meet lower has no choice but to pack and go. His ministry is a true demonstration of the power of God in action.
You can follow him on Facebook @ Prophet Enock Kalunga and subscribe on YouTube using the same name.