Poor garbage disposal worries Linda residents

Written by on April 25, 2019


SOME residents of Lusaka’s Lilanda compound have appealed to government to sensitize the people in the area on the importance of subscribing to Community Based Enterprise (CBEs) as opposed to throwing garbage in drainages especially when it rained.

They complained that some people in the area had a bad habit of failing to subscribe to the CBEs in the area and looked forward to the rains so that they would throw solid waste in the drainages to let water push away the garbage from their homes.  

In an interview with the Sun, one of the concerned residents, Lucy Chanda, said it was unfortunate that some people were failing to manage their own solid waste they accumulated in their homes and opted to throw it in the drainages thereby posing a serious health hazard.  

“Some residents have a bad habit of refusing to pay garbage collection fees  of K5; they say the charge is too much and they take advantage of the rains so that the garbage is pushed with the rainy water.

 “It’s sad to note that some people keep trash in their homes waiting for the rains, posing a serious health hazard and blocking drainages and most of the rubbish found include diapers and left over nshima among others,” Ms Chanda said

She said when the rain season was over some residents had a habit of throwing garbage in the streets at night which was bad, adding that there was need for people to take full responsibility for their own action and not putting more work on the Lusaka City Council.  

And other resident Alice Phiri, appealed to government to put up humps in the main tarred road in the area.  

Ms Phiri said most motorists who used the road were careless and did not care about other road users.  

“We are appealing to government to construct humps for us in Lilanda compound to avoid accidents,” she said. 

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