Written by on April 25, 2019


AN ASSASSIATION attempt on Chief Sikoongo of Chirundu has been foiled when assailants who raided the palace stabbed the chief’s wife in the neck through the window thinking it was the chief.

Both Chief Sikoongo, who has been on oxygen support and his wife, were immediately rushed to the local hospital for treatment.

Chirundu district Commissioner Mr. Alfred Hamunjo confirmed the development to the Sun and said both the chief and his wife aged 54 were admitted to local Mtendere Mission Hospital.

Mr Hamunjo said the chief’s wife was stabbed in the neck through the bedroom window while she was sleeping   in the early hours of Tuesday.

Apparently the wife had slept near the window on the fateful day, the position where her husband normally slept.

He said preliminary investigations revealed that a knife was used and no trace has been found of the attackers who left big stains of blood on the floor from the victim.

Mr. Hamunjo said the victim was stabbed at around 01:00hrs and was rushed to Mtendere Mission Hospital where she was receiving medical attention.

He said the victim lost a lot of blood but was out of danger but the district health director Dr Kaunda Mwila Lembalemba has advised that she should remain in hospital for further observation.

He said the traumatized Chief Sikoongo was also in a stable condition.

Mr. Hamunjo has commended the Zambia police in Chirundu district for their quick response by rushing to the palace around 02:00hrs and later visited the victims at the hospital.

He said police have since opened an inquiry into the matter.

“Around 08:00 I was accompanied by the Council secretary Mr. John Mwanza, Chirundu Zambia police officer in charge Mr. Mike Mwanza, council chairman Mr. Robison Sianduba, district health director Dr.Kaunda Lembelemba  among other leaders to have an insight of what really happened,”said Mr. Hamunjo.

Mr.Hamunjo has  cautioned the perpetrators of crime in the district that the police will not rest and spare anyone instilling fear in the Chirundu citizenry as the police will make sure they face the wrath of the law.

The district commissioner has also urged  members of the community to co-operate with the police and report anyone suspected to be involved in criminal activities so that the police can eliminate crime in the district.

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