Written by Millennium on April 24, 2019
The health of a 2-year-old boy whose stomach is enlarged is in danger after his family rejected hospitalisation and opted for a traditional healer.
This is barely a month after the family of the 2-year-old boy asked for assistance to help their child who is developing an enlarged tummy.
Now a decision to put him on traditional treatment has been made.
The Sun team has been following the issue up and has recently learnt that Maradona Mundyoli, has been put on traditional treatment for two weeks.
The boy’s grandfather Most Hachaamba said in a telephone interview that the boy’s father said that he did not want his son to go back to the hospital that has failed to establish what was wrong with the child.

“He told us that the boy stayed in the hospital for 4 months but nothing was done and that he did not want him to go back to the hospital. He was the reason why we could not take the baby to his review on the 15th of April, 2019,” Mr. Hachaamba said.
He said that the person that was given the responsibility of treating his grandchild assured them that they will be able to see a change in two weeks’ time.
Mr. Hachaamba who said that the boy’s traditional treatment begun on Monday the 15th April, 2019 stressing that no change has been observed yet.
He further hoped that an improvement on the boy’s condition is seen after the two weeks that was given by the healer elapsed.
Maradona Mundyoli’s tummy started bulging in May last year and it has been increasing since then.
He was admitted at the University Teaching Hospital in December 2018 and was partially declared healed in the early days of April.
The boy who is currently in Zimba District with his family was scheduled to go for a review on the 15th of April but was not taken back to the hospital because his father disapproved.
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