Electrical fittings land SOS man in hot soup

Written by on April 22, 2019


A Lusaka man who owes K550 with interest for electrical items he borrowed from his friend has been dragged to the Matero Local Court.
Chrispin Moonga, 40, of Chunga has sued Beli Katambi, 47, of SOS, for the electrical fittings he borrowed to help him connect power to his house.
Moonga told Magistrate Pauline Newa that Katambi went to see him last year and wanted electricity to be connected to his residence and borrowed some fittings.
“I agreed to give him the fittings because he is someone I knew. He later came back to get more fittings and the total cost was K1,300,” said Moonga
Katambi promised to pay for the items on a Monday but he did not do so. He only paid part of it after 3 weeks had passed leaving him with a balance of K550.
“Every time I call him he would insult me and up to now he has not given me the balance and I want the court to add a K250 interest,” said Moonga
In defence Katambi said he had been hospitalized for 3 months with a liver problem.
“I have not refused to pay him the money, I will give him during the first week of May,” said Katambi
The court proved the claim of K550 should be paid with K250 interest bringing the total K800 should be paid on May 10.

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