Cruel husband fined K6, 000, divorced

Written by on April 22, 2019


A LUSAKA man has been ordered by the Matero Local Court to compensate his wife with K6, 000 after she successfully sued him for divorce due to marital misunderstandings.

Queen Sibeso, 38, of Lusaka West sued her husband Sibeso Sibeso, 39, for divorce due to marital problems. 

Queen told magistrate Miyanda Banda that they had been married since 2006 and their problems started in 2017.

“I gave him K2,500 to start a business and he went to his village for 6 months and later called saying he did not have transport money and I then sent him  K800 to return.  He would constantly beat and insult me.

“I was hospitalized for four days after I lost my baby but he never came to visit me. He was just drinking beer at home.  I pay for the children’s school fees,  buy food and do everything in the house. I no longer love him and we have no peace in the house.  We sleep on the same bed but have not had sex for 1 year 6months,” said Queen

In defence Sibeso denied there were any problems in their marriage. 

“We talk to each other well she just refuses to have sex with me,” said Sibeso

But magistrate Banda told Sibeso that it was unfortunate that he could go away six months leaving his wife  alone which he said was inhuman and could lead her into speculating that maybe he married another woman.

“You left her in a vulnerable situation, you don’t even care about your children. There is no love and no sex, this marriage has ended,” said Magistrate Banda.

 He said since there was no property to share, Sibeso should compensate Queen with K6,000 effective May month end.

The magistrate further ordered Sibeso to maintain his children with K250 every month, and to pay for their school fees, health care and buy them clothes.

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