Bus accident victims interred

Written by on April 22, 2019

Gloria Kangwa writes

Five bodies from Solwezi district in North Western Province among the fourteen travellers who died in the tragic Scorpion bus accident have been put to rest.
The five were part of the 29 passengers on the ill-fated bus that was travelling from Lusaka to Solwezi on April 18, 2019 .
The bus rammed into a stationary truck on the Solwezi-Chingola road at Emmanuel area in Mushindamo district .

picture of the Four Solwezi residents being put to rest at Kimiteto cemetery

Speaking during the funeral service held at The Youth Alive Grounds, Republican President Edgar Lungu said he was saddened about the accident that claimed many lives .
The head of state said in a speech read on his behalf by Office of the Vice President Minister Sylvia Chalikosa, that life was irreplaceable adding that the accident had left the nation and families of the deceased broken.
“The truth we all know is that life is irreplaceable and when lost, hearts are broken. It is for this reason that the whole nation mourns with the people of the province and the country at large,” he said.
Mr Lungu said he was reliably informed that among the people who perished on the fateful day five were from Solwezi, three from Kalumbila, three from Copper Belt, one from Lusaka and one from Zambezi.
He urged families that lost loved ones to keep faith in the almighty God for strength if they are to pull through.
“I wish to say that may God give you strength to endure and pull through this unexpectedly tragic moment. Certainly the future of your respective families shall never be the same without the members you have lost,” he said.
The President added that citizens at all times should take precautionary measures whenever they used the road and further told law enforcement agencies particularly traffic officers under the Zambia Police and the Road Safety Agency to enforce the observance of road regulations that have been stipulated.

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