Croc kills 74 year old Chirundu man

Written by on April 20, 2019


A SEVENTY-FOUR year old man identified as Maxem Kadunga of Kanegumbo village in Chirundu district was killed by a crocodile yesterday afternoon while fishing on the Zambezi River at a place called Zambara.
A friend who was with him at the time of the attack raced towards the reptile and beat it with sticks and stones and it let go of Kadunga.
“Unfortunately it was too late as Kadunga died almost immediately after the attack from the severe wounds inflicted on his body,” said an eye witness.
His body was taken to nearby Mtendere Mission Hospital where it was deposited in the mortuary awaiting burial.
Kadunga is survived by a wife and four children and his death has shocked his family members who had hoped he would return home with fish.

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