Amaye Marbe Ltd repositions to change the local construction sector …as company employees, trains 100 Zambians
Written by Millennium on April 20, 2019
A new marble manufacturing company in Lusaka is set to completely transform the local construction industry.
Sid Sririmoju, the executive director of Maye Marble Limited, said his new company, situated at the Lusaka South Multi-facility Zone, was established four years ago, and would produce marble stones for beautifying homes and offices in designs never seen before.
Mr Sririmoju disclosed that the company has so far employed 100 Zambians and was trying to take advantage of government’s policy to employer the local people with technical skills.
He said that the people employed had so far been trained in mines, factory and how to cut the marble stones.
According to the executive director, the marketing department is managed by local Zambians and the work was so far going on well.
“All the workers are employed on permanent basis and are registered with NAPSA and some private insurance companies,” he said.
Mr Sririmoju explained that his company produced marble stones in two colours, white and purple, and was sold for luxurious us both locally and abroad.
He named some of the institutions that the company has previously supplied to as the University of Lusaka (UNILUS), the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development (MHID) and many more other local organisations.
“Our factory is safe and has been inspected by the local experts in safety management and we passed the test 100 percent, we have also put in place measures in the factory for the safety of the workers,” Mr Sririmoju said.
He said, “Zambia is supporting the idea of promoting local products and our company is also buying that idea, our vision is to make Zambia marble famous to the entire world.”
“We sometimes have students from University of Lusaka and architecture students touring our factory,” he said.
Mr Sririmoju boasted of running one of the biggest marble factories world over, equipped with a state of the art equipment, such as gangsaw block cutting machine, bridge cutting machine and automatic polishing machine.