Ratsa convicts 1, 641 motorists

Written by on April 18, 2019

OVER 1, 600 motorists were convicted in the fast track court for various traffic offences in the first quarter of 2019, the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has said.
In a statement, RTSA Public Relations Manager, Mukela Mangolwa, said the agency had secured 1, 641 convictions in the fast track court on traffic offences in the first quarter of 2019.
“During the period under review, the highest convictions were for expired road tax with 365 convictions, expired test certificates with 301 convictions, expired/uninsured motor vehicle with 175 convictions, dangerous driving with 153 convictions and use of a mobile phone while driving with 104 convictions,” Mr Mangolwa said.
He added, “Other offences that resulted in convictions were, unlicensed driver 103 convictions, unregistered motor vehicle 93 convictions, obstruction of the roadway by motor vehicle 65 convictions, expired certificate of fitness 48 convictions, careless driving 23 convictions, expired identity 27 convictions and driving a motor vehicle in a dangerous condition 39 convictions.”
He said in certain instances some motorists were charged with multiple offences.
He said statistics had shown that dangerous driving and driving a motor vehicle in a dangerous condition, continue to be major contributors of road traffic accidents in Zambia.
Meanwhile, Mr Mangolwa said RTSA recorded a total number of 456 convictions in March 2019, indicating a decrease in traffic violations from February were 517 convictions were recorded.
In the Month of March alone, he said, dangerous driving, driving under the influence of alcohol, were among the highest offences recorded.
“The RTSA would like to inform members of the public that it will sustain its traffic law enforcement programmes countrywide in order to ensure total compliance among motorist and provide safety to all road users,” he said.
He also implored to be proactive and make use of the RTSA Call Centre by reporting bad, careless and dangerous drivers on the toll free line – 983 and the WhatsApp line 0965 429499.

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