Uncollected garbage chokes Lilanda

Written by on March 31, 2019



HEAPS of uncollected garbage in Lusaka’s Lilanda compound of Kapwepwe ward 25 has raised serious health concerns among the residents.

Some of the residents talked to on Friday said that garbage had been piling on roadsides for months with no signs of action from the council.

Mr Tony Kalumba, a resident in the area said that even the private garbage collectors had vanished into thin air for reasons not known to residents.

Mr. Kalumba said that the situation was worrying and that the residents were living in fear as diseases may break out in the area any moment.

“Just look at how garbage has piled up at the market. It has not been collected for some time now and the whole place ends up looking like a garbage dump site.

“ The only thing that greets you when you enter Lilanda is garbage  and bad smell, especially at the market,” he said.

Another resident, Angela Limango, who is also a trader at the market said that business had slowed down as most people were avoiding the market because stinking uncollected garbage.

Ms. Limango said that people were afraid that they might catch diseases in the market because of the filthy there.

And Kapwepwe ward 25 councilor, Mwamba Salubusa said that his office was having challenges with transport for garbage collection as the one that was recently procured got damaged in a road traffic accident.

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