Stanchart donates K180, 000 to Zambia Open Golf tourney
Written by Millennium on March 29, 2019
STANDARD Chartered Bank Zambia has donated K180,000 towards the hosting of the Zambia Open Golf Championship at Nkana Golf Club in Kitwe from March 28-31 .
Speaking during the presentation, the bank’s chief executive officer Herman Kasekende said Stanchart was proud to be associated with hosting of the tournament.
“Standard Chartered is, once again, proud to be associated with the hosting of the highly-coveted Zambia Open Golf tournament. We have rendered our support to this championship for more than 3 years to demonstrate our commitment to promoting the sport in Zambia,”he said
Chewe Numba, director of Global Corporates at Standard Chartered Bank, handed over the cheque to the chairman of the organizing committee (ZOOC) Emmanuel Mutati at the Nkana Golf Club.
Mutati thanked the bank for coming on board as a key corporate sponsor.