Written by Millennium on March 24, 2019
Many believers expect their lives to change automatically when they are born again, not understanding that the responsibility for walking in the spirit and forsaking the flesh is their own! They expect that once they are born again solutions to all their problems and desires will flood into their lives! Many get disappointed at their lack of victory and even start to feel as if God is a liar.
What does being born again really mean? In John 3:4 Nicodemus asked Jesus what it meant to be born again, even as learned and high ranking as the Pharisee was. And like Nicodemus many Christians today do not really appreciate their responsibility as born again believers..
Romans 8 tells us how there is no longer condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit. When one confesses Jesus to be their lord and gets born again, it is their spirit that is actually reborn and NOT their flesh. And that is why the lust of the flesh remains even after being born again. Jesus came to set the captives free and he did this without food. Yet the devil went and tempted him with food to fulfil the flesh.
God wants Christians who will worship him with their spirit and truth. He is tired of lip service that honours him, while other parts of your body worship Satan. Who said only your spirit should please God? You have to crucify the flesh and bring it under the subjection of spirit, I’d you want to truly worship God.
Today people don’t walk in righteousness with the Father and instead seek to please themselves more than anything. And even when they begin to care for their character, they leave out their appearance thinking it’s not very important. Your character and appearance should be in tandem with what the word requires of you (1 Timothy 2:9). God is interested in your looks and appearance. Be holy in your dressing as He is Holy. How is tour dressing today, how is your hairstyling today? Are you getting inspired by Satan’s agents in how you present yourself?
2 Corinthians 7:11 directs christians to purify themselves of the filth of the body and in spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God, today are you cleansing yourself of the filth? In what way are you perfecting holiness?
Most Preacher’s have turn to motivational speakers some people are moving from one churches to another seeking for miracle, Prophecy, Deliverance and many more they allow their problems to take best of them seeking for Miracle without seeking for Jesus Christ himself
Matthew 6:33 Everything about you when you are born again has to worship God. Once you refuse to do so, you will worship the devil, while serving God and everyone knows you cannot serve two masters at once. Either you will love one and hate the other. You cannot present yourself to the world as a drunkard, prostitute, liar, gossiper, etc, and still present yourself as a born again servant of God during Sunday service. It simply means that you are NOT REALLY BORN AGAIN!
Are you sure if God comes today, you make it? We shall be judged one by one. You think you can fool God? Let everything about you be born again.
Yes! The body desire some things and you want them but because the devil knows the bible, he uses the flesh to make you sin in church.That is the dilemma of a Christian. Jesus wants the church to return to Him. Do not compromise anything that does not glorify Jesus.
Jesus wants the church to return to Him. Do not compromise anything that does not glorify Jesus. Worship God for relationship not for Gain Matthew 6:33, Revelation 20:12
Come back to Jesus.!!!
Is a Zambian born into the family of Mazyopa in Chipata
She is the President of Prophetic Light Ministries International and started the ministry in 2010
She has Ministered across Africa, Asia and America teaching the undiluted word of God reveling the deep revelation of Jesus Christ to the populated kingdom of darkness.
Prophetess Faith Temitope is the Convener of Women of Authority. Women of Authority is a conference backed by heaven offering a lot of prayers where Women gather together to Pray for their marriages, Children, Businesses, Career, Jobs and their Families. This Conference has made impact in Zambia reaching to over thousands of Women across the globe and with a lot of life transforming testimonies.
Prophetess Faith Temitope has also reached out to the Girls from age of 10-19 years through FAITH TEMITOPE FOUNDATION. Temitope Foundation is an organization where Prophetess Faith is the Co-founder and it helps girls who are sexually abused, orphaned girl children, street girl children.
The Prpphetess has been reaching out to such girls by building a safe house for them and helping through the I & GIRLS CONFERENCE.
Prophetess Faith Temitope is the first female Prophetess to build a safe house for women. She is a blessing to Zambia and the entire world at large. She is also into gospel music and her album would be released soon. She is Married to a Nigerian, Evangelist Emmanuel Temitope
And they are blessed with two beautiful children.