Hunger stalks Chirundu’s Lusitu area

Written by on March 17, 2019


@ SunZambian

PEOPLE of Chirundu’s Lusitu ward have appealed to government for relief food because of severe famine that hit the area.

Ward councilor Fund Mutinta Chipembere implored leaders in the area to come together and find ways of helping the affected people..

And Chirundu district commissioner Alfred Tom Hamunjo who confirmed the hunger situation said in fact it was not only South Province in that situation but many parts of Zambia that had been affected by the drought.

Mr Hamunjo said the same was true in some parts of Lusaka, Western, Central and Eastern Provinces.

“Worse still, other parts of Zambia are experiencing heavy rains, resulting in floods, crops failure with roads, bridges and houses being damaged. This alone entails that all these places require assistance from the government,” said Mr Hamunjo.

Mr. Hamunjo suggested that as a district everyone should get involved, and start talking about the hunger in the district so that apart from government, other institutions such as the church could assist in a small way.

He said that besides that, people should be encouraged especially those with livestock not to keep them for prestige but to be assisted when the need arose like the prevailing situation.

He observed also that relief food sent to the district was not meant for everyone but for the less privileged.

And Daylight private school director Maxwell Mintengwe has thanked the district commissioner for the response and articulation of the situation in the district.

Mr. Mintengwe said the district’s geographical status showed that it was situated between two big rivers of Zambezi and the Kafue.

He suggested that government should open up inland canals for people to irrigate and provide cooperatives with water pumps to irrigate crops throughout the year.

He said that when challenges of any kind arose, there would be no need of leaders hiding heads in the sand and expect miracles to occur.

He said leaders should think critically and analyse what could be the best way to alleviate hunger than expecting government to do everything for the people.

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