Husband only good at sex divorced
Written by Millennium on March 8, 2019
A KANYAMA compound man who was only good at sex has lost his marriage in a Lusaka local court
This is in case in which Monica Mkandawire, 33, sued her husband Thomas Tembo, 43, of the same Township for divorce on grounds that her husband was irresponsible
She told the court that she did not freely have sex with her husband because he was irresponsible and failed to settle rentals.
The two got married in 2010, have one child and dowry was partially paid.
Mkandawire said that her husband failed to pay rent and that he was not managing the family well.
She said she could not even have sex freely with her husband because of his failure to pay bills. She said she was no longer interested in her husband because all he was good at was sex and that she believed a man engaging in sex needed to be responsible.
She could no longer stay in such a marriage and that all she wanted was a divorce.
“How can I continue in a marriage were a man cannot even pay rent for a two roomed house, I think it’s best we separate,” she said.
In defence Tembo said he was not ready to get divorced and that he could not leave his wife because he had a child with her.
He said his wife denied him sex because he did not have money and that she treated him badly.
He said due to his financial problem, his wife stopped respecting him and that she even threatened to chase him from the house.
Magistrate Esther Mulomba granted the couple divorce and ordered them to share whatever property they bought together equally.