Written by Millennium on March 7, 2019
The arrest of three gangsters by police in Matero Compound yesterday could not have come at the right time than now when these brigands appear to be reigning terror with unbelievable latitude not only in Lusaka but throughout Zambia.
These cranks even have the audacity to give themselves stylish but demonic names such ‘Junkies’ ‘Fluffies’, ‘Tokota Boys’, ‘Sons of the Devil’ etc. as they ply their evil crafts.
Why some people choose easy life to reap where they did not sow cannot be described as a normal way of living especially when they use guns and other dangerous weapons to attack innocent law abiding citizens.
Crime does not and will never pay anyone in it except to wait for the wrath of the law whose arms are long enough to reach all those involved in criminal activities.
Like in the Matero case, the suspects have been identified as Bramo (whatever that means), whose real name is Abraham Zika, aged 22, who is alleged to be a leader of the gang that has been terrorizing people in Shadreck area, and a knife was recovered from him.
The other suspect is Boyd Mwansa, aged 19, alleged to be a leader of a gang that has been attacking people in Chitanda area and Lackson Daka aged 21.
This was after Police in the area received numerous complaints from members of the public that gangs had emerged in Chitanda area of Chunga Compound and Shadreck area in George Compound.
Police spokesperson, Esther Katongo, said many people in the area had their phones and money grabbed on the streets of Matero by criminals armed with knives and other offensive weapons. What the cheek!
Ms Katongo said the same suspects are believed to be behind the attack of a Maiteneke resident in December last year whose shop was raided by the villains who got away with K10, 000 cash and assorted items which included groceries all valued at K1, 725.
Police should be commended for their swift action to arrest these bad eggs in our society who think they can access the necessities of life through crime.
Criminal life certainly belongs to the Devil himself who substitutes hard work with felonious minds in some people who immorally think that they can break the law at will to satisfy their self-absorbed egos.
These desperandos must know that they may be able run but cannot hide forever and the long arm of the law always catches up with them and penalties are well known even to them.
While we welcome the assurance from the Police that women and men in uniform are working determinedly to bring all perpetrators of crime to book, members of public too should play their essential role by reporting suspects to law enforcing agents.
After all these criminals live within the communities and some are well known to members of the public who should quickly take the needful action of reporting them to the nearest police.
Criminals are immoral people who should not be tolerated in our society because apart from merely robbing innocent citizens of their valuable possessions, they sometime ruthlessly kill to get what they want.