Garden boy fined K3, 000 for deflowering girl

Written by on March 6, 2019



A GARDEN boy of Lusaka’s Ng’ombe Compound man has been fined K3000 by the Boma Local Court for deflowering a girl.

Shadreck Banda, 30, was sued by Ackim Sakala, 56, also of te same compound for deflowering his daughter.

Sakala said explained that in 2011 both families and discussed the matter and charged Banda K1, 500 for damage.

“When he came home last year, I asked him about the money and why he has not paid anything since then. I requested him to bring his parents and he said he didn’t have parents that’s how I decided to bring him to court,

“He has stayed with my daughter for 9 years and has not paid anything and I want him to pay me the money,” Sakala said.

The two were appearing before Senior local court magistrate Ngandwe Mukuka sitting with magistrate Martha Tembo.

In his defence, Banda said he was surprised when his in-law brought him summons for damage.

“I accept the claim and not refusing to pay the money. I had taken his daughter to stay with me in my house, but we began having disputes,

“I paid K200 bride price and nothing for damages. I continued to stay with my wife and we have to children together but because we could not resolve our disputes, I then decided to take her back to her parents’ house,” Banda said.

The court ordered Banda to pay K3, 000 penalties for virginity damage.

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