Court dismisses lover’s compensation claim

Written by on March 1, 2019



A Lusaka local court has dismissed the case in which a woman was seeking compensation from her man friend’s wife over insults.

The Chelstone local court ruled that Sharon Mubanga, 30, of Mtendere East cannot compensate the plaintiff, Violet Kahila, 33, of Kamanga Compound, because the latter provoked the situation.

Senior local court magistrate, Charity Milambo, stated that Ms. Kahila’s action to interfere in Ms. Mubanga’s marriage, caused the confrontation between them.

Ms. Kahila sued Ms. Mubanga alleging that she insults her on a daily basis and even threatens to kill her two children.

She also stated it was not her decision to have an affair with her husband but he proposed to her and told her that he was single. “It’s not my fault. I could not back off after I discovered he was a married man because we already have two kids together. It’s late.” Said Kahila.

She said, “I decided to bring her to court so that she can stops insulting me, and asking me to leave her husband alone.”

In her defense, Mubanga accused the plaintiff of “destroying” her home.

“We have been having misunderstanding in the house ever since my husband befriended her six years ago. I have been asking her to leave him alone because he is a married man and has children to look after,” she stated.

“All I want is for her to leave my husband and let peace reign in our home. Looking after her husband is not an issue,” she said.

But Milambo’s husband, who was a witness in the case, said that the plaintiff agreed to go into a relationship with him willingly. “I doubt if the two kids she is claiming to be mine are actually mine because her life is unstable,” he said.

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