BREAKING NEWS:Theresa May to offer MPs no-deal Brexit vote

Written by on February 26, 2019

Theresa May has promised MPs a vote on ruling out a no-deal Brexit or delaying the UK’s departure, if they reject her deal next month.

Theresa May is making a statement to MPs on Brexit, amid the threat of a revolt by Remain-supporting ministers.

The prime minister promised MPs a meaningful vote on her Brexit deal by 12 March.

If they reject her deal she will allow votes on delaying Brexit and ruling out no deal, she said.

That would mean the UK would “only leave without a deal on 29 March if there is explicit consent in the House for that outcome”, she told MPs.

But she stressed that she did not want to see Article 50 extended, warning that “it would not make getting a deal any easier”.

The move is an attempt to avoid a defeat for the government in votes on Wednesday, which would see MPs taking control of the Brexit process.

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