Juvenile ‘rejects’ father

Written by on February 25, 2019

A Lusaka juvenile has told the Chilenje Local Court he could not live with his father because he does not have a good relationship with him.

The juvenile was supported by his mother, Constance Zulu, who told the court, presided over by Magistrate Akim Phiri, sitting with Magistrate Francesca Zulu,

Ms. Zulu said she did not want Mr. Chansa to have custody over his son because the two did not have a good relationship as father and son.

“I want him to take his son as a friend and not as a prisoner. I have also received reports that my son fights with his step mother,” she stated.

The juvenile earlier told the court that he did not want to live with his father because he was not free with him as he only got to know him recently.

“Where has he been all along? I have only lived with him for three to four years. There is no bond between us, and why does he want to get me now?” queried the Juvenile”.

This was in a matter in which Mr. Chanda sued by his ex-lover, Ms. Zulu, for his child’s custody.

“I want my child to come back to my house so that I can look after him together with his siblings. She got him in 2014 after he failed his exams saying she wanted him to attend tuitions,” Mr. Chanda told court.

He said, “I want to control him as a father because I am the one who will be embarrassed when he gets spoiled. I would like to get him because I want him to go back to Grade 8.  Sitting for GCE is expensive and I am the only one who can pay his fees.”

But Ms. Zulu stated that, “He is turning 18, and he is in grade 10. He will not accept to go with him because he does not want. I will still keep him. I got him from him because of bad influence and going home late. He never comes home late at my place.”

In its judgement, the court counselled Ms. Zulu that she was a parent who needed to understand the importance of bringing her son close to his father no matter how bitter she was with him.

“You should avoid creating enemity between Chanda and his child,” observed the Magistrate Phiri.

“The Zambian Law states that a child is free to make his or her own decision at the age of 18, stated the magistrate.

He advised Mr. Chanda to make effort to establish a bond with his son in order to avoid him going to the street because of neglect.

“There’s nothing we can do about custody. It’s up to what the two of you want to do as parents. We cannot give you custody because it cannot be given to a child above the age 18. They do not need custody,” stated Magistrate Phiri.

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