Written by Millennium on February 24, 2019
There is need to change the notion that Draught is a game for jobless people if the sport is to grow in this country, Zambia Draught Federation (ZDF) president Bonwell Mweemba has said.
And Mweemba said the 2019 draught league season starts on the March 10, in Lusaka.
Speaking in an interview with the Sun, Mweemba said, in an effort to popularise draught, the federation would this year take the sport in schools for young people to join.
Mweemba said if the sport was taken seriously, Zambia can become a household name in draught and further called on people to stop looking at the sport as a game for jobless and retired people, adding that there was no retirement from playing draught like it was with other sports.
He said that draught, being a mind game helps children in problem solving and that the sport can be applied in solving mathematics and other related subjects at all.
“It helps children to be active and stay focused on whatever they are doing and this is the more reason we are going to roll it out in schools and we hope to attract as many pupils (players) as possible,” Mweemba said.
Mweemba said before the league commences, the federation would on 2nd March have a non-elective annual general meeting to replace non-active members, saying the idea was to have officials who would keep the sport active at all times.
Meanwhile, Mweemba said the federation was scouting for a K450,000 which would enable it send a team for world championships slated for Russia in October this year.
“We are appealing to stakeholders to help us raise funds which would enable us send a team to Russia and with everyone’s support, we can do wonders and bring glory to the country through this sport,” Mweemba added.