Court warns sexy landlady
Written by Millennium on February 15, 2019
A LANDLADY of Lusaka’s Makeni Villa has been warned by a local court to stop wearing seductive clothes or she will face the wrath of the law.
The care-free landlord has been sued in the Kanyama Local court by her irate tenant who suspects the landlady was after her husband.
Martha Mutele, 30, sued her landlord Stacy Nkausu, 33, widow of the same area for wearing clothes that were very seductive each time her husband was home.
Particulars of the matter are that Mutele has been Nkausu’s tenant for 6 years now and problems began after Nkausu lost her husband 2 years ago and changed her dress code.
Mutele told the court that what her landlord was doing was very shameful looking at the fact that her husband was a friend of her husband.
“My landlady is very stubborn and rude. I have tried to appeal to her morals that she should mind how she dresses when my husband is home but she never listens.
“I have reported her to the family elders, church elders and her friends but she doesn’t want to change,” Mutele said
Mutele said she now wanted the court to help her in any way possible because family elders had failed to solve the problem.
She explained that one day Nkausu wore a very short see through dress in attempt to seduce her husband.
“One weekend I was cleaning the house and I asked my husband to sit outside, after my landlord saw my husband outside she went in the house and came out with a very short see through dress and started to bend suggestively while trying to get my husband’s attention,” Mutele said
In defence Nkausu said that she wore what she liked because it was a free world and if Mutele’s husband was getting uncomfortable with her dress code then maybe he should not be looking at her.
“Me I wear want I what so long as I’m not going in public naked, plus it’s my yard so if Mutele’s husband can’t keep his eyes to himself then maybe they should shift,” she said.
In passing judgment magistrate Esther Mulomba ordered Nkausu to be mindful of her dress code because the law did not allow anyone or any landlady to mistreat a tenant.
The magistrate also warned Nkausu to refrain from wearing clothes that were inappropriate in front of her tenants or she would be dealt with by the law.