CONGOLESE PASTOR ARRESTED …for shaving female congregant’s pubic hair in suspected rituals

Written by on February 10, 2019



A CONGOLESE pastor who shaved pubic hair of one of his female congregants which he later shoved into her private part, in unclear circumstances, has been arrested.

The incident, which has shocked the local community, has seen the pastor being charged with indecent assault.

Doreen Muzembi, 29, of Kadunga compound, was left traumatized  after the pastor, only identified as Mulenga, shaved her pubic hair and inserted it into her private parts.

Ms Muzembi told The Sun newspaper in Chirundu, in an exclusive interview, that on February 3 she went to a house of Pastor Mulenga to be prayed for with her friends.

Muzembi said she wanted the pastor to pray for her four-year old son who could not talk, walk, sit or do anything by himself.

She said her child has been in that situation since he was born and she wanted to know what caused his condition.

She said the service started at 12:00 and ended at 18:00 hours but the pastor asked her to remain behind after prayers were over.

She narrated that the Pastor told her that he had seen ‘bad luck’ in her life and what had caused her son’s situation but promised he would cast out the demons tormenting her and the child.

Muzembi said she waited patiently for the deliverance from the pastor with her child on the back until it was 22:00hours but nothing happened.

She asked him if she could leave and return the next day but the pastor refused and asked her to be patient as he was preparing himself to cast out the said demons in her, and that time she had remained alone with Pastor Mulenga.

She said Pastor Mulenga moved close to her and started telling her that, years back she had sex with a tall man with light complexion who left the demon in her that has destroyed her womb.

But Muzembi denied that in all her life she has never had sex with any tall and light man.

At this point, the pastor was looking straight in her eyes and he asked her to put the baby on the floor which she did.

While looking at him, Ms Muzembi said she was not able to think straight or feel anything.

She said that Pastor Mulenga then got a small tablet of soap and Muzembi, while in shock, watched on as he began to remove her chitenge and the shorts she wore inside before he finally removed her underwear.

He got the soap and washed her private part and proceeded to shave her pubic hair with a razor blade which he later shoved in her private part.

At this stage Muzembi came to her senses and realised what was happening to her.

She quickly picked up her child from the ground, the chitenge, and while holding her pants in the hands, shouted for help.

Luckily, the neighbours heard her shout and when they went out to the house they found the pastor who wanted to run away but they managed to apprehend him.

Muzembi said on inspecting herself she discovered that she was partially shaved.

She was taken to the police together with Pastor Mulenga who has since been charged with indecent assault.

The matter is being handled by the Victim Support Unit at Chirundu police station.

Pastor Mulenga, who is remanded in police custody, will appear in court soon.

While at the police, the arresting officer asked Muzembi to go to the toilet to remove the pubic hair from her private part and managed to remove some of it.

She was told to put it on a tissue together with the soap used and safely keep them as evidence in court.

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