Is it Lechwe or Lechewe?
Written by Millennium on February 3, 2019
Let me comment on reports of Kafue Lechwe population count of 2018 count on the Kafue flats which indicates a critical situation for the endemic species with a decline of approximately 5,000 animals in three years.
There is too much damage the white man has impacted on us. Let’s start correcting our names napapata mwa wantu!
Let’s try and confirm whether it is lechwe or lechewe (I suspect lechewe could be just about it).
Mporokoso is Mumpolokoso; Kwambwa could easily be spelt Kabambwa for all I know… Kalahari is Kghalaghadi, etc.
Let’s move away from consolidating silly European constructs. What’s wrong with us deciding London is Landani!?? So you will laugh us off?