Giving back to community

Written by on January 27, 2019

CORPORATE Social Responsibility is important and companies have obligation to help communities in which they operate.

We applaud the Yalelo Company for building a school in the Siavonga area to help the community.

Yalelo Farms, one of Zambia’s biggest tilapia fish producers, has constructed a primary school in Kamimbi community of Siavonga District as part of its corporate social responsibility. 

Liberi Primary School, situated on the shores of Lake Kariba, was built in partnership with the Liberi Foundation to provide quality education to the local community and the surrounding areas.

Education plays an important role in the development of a nation and it gratifying that the fish producing company decided to build a school to help the community.

Many children have in some cases been denied an opportunity to education because schools are located in distant places.

It is therefore gratifying that this community in Siavonga has received a school to which many children can now go.

We hope that the local community will indeed take advantage of this and send children schools.

We are also mindful that Siavonga is one of the areas where children more often than not, are discouraged from attending school in preference for marriage and farming.

The community should take advantage of this opportunity and ensure that their children benefit from the school.

The country needs an educated population to help develop the nation.

Every effort count and we applaud Yalelo for this effort.

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