Sesheke residents cry for quick disbursement of CDF
Written by Millennium on January 21, 2019
RESIDENTS of Sesheke in Western Province have appealed to the district council to quickly disburse the K1.6 million Constituency Development Fund (CDF) government released last year for community projects.
The residents wanted part of the money to be used on the construction of a modern market and a bus station.
Council secretary Emmanuel Sikanyika said he did not have the details as he was away in Livingstone.
“I don’t have that information with me right now because I am in Livingstone on official business,” Mr Sikanyika said.
He said the planning and works departments had all the details on CDF.
According to an update the K1.6 million which Government released last month will be spent on outstanding projects from 2017.
The local authority intended to use part of the money on the construction of a modern market and a bus station in the central business district (CBD).
Sesheke does not have a decent market has no bus station.
Residents would like the local authority to focus on the two projects in the next CDF disbursement.
Nalishebo Mukwanda, a marketeer, said she wants the government to build decent market amenities such as toilets and shower rooms.
“We also want to trade from a good market like our friends in Namibia. This has been our cry all this years,” Ms Mukwanda said.
Richard Lubinda, a taxi driver, said: “To me three things are most important and I want the council to spend all the CDF on them.
“I want good roads, a modern market and a bus station.”
Government uses CDF to implement projects proposed by communities to deliver development at the grassroots.– SMARTEAGLES