Lusaka boy sued over stolen phone

Written by on September 28, 2020

@ Sunzambian

A Lusaka boy has been dragged to court for stealing a mobile phone worth K1,500.
Appearing at the magistrates court before magistrate Ruth Kapulo was the 17 year old boy accused of theft contrary to the laws of Zambia.
It is alleged that the boy stole the phone belonging to Daniel Sichone.
Magistrate: Did you steal the phone?
Boy: Yes
Magistrate: what did you want to do with it?
Boy: I wanted to sell and use the money to buy things.
Magistrate: did you sell the phone and at what price did you sell it?
Boy: Yes I sold the phone at K500.
Magistrate: Where is the money?
Boy: The money is with my friends, we were together when selling.
The boy asked the court to forgive him saying that he was sorry for what he did.
Daniel Sichone 30 a driver and complainant in the matter said he wanted to withdraw the case following an agreement with the juvenile’s mother.
He said the mother of the boy agreed to pay K1,500 and therefore he wanted to withdraw the case.
When the boy’s mother was asked if it was true that she agreed to pay Sichone K1,500, she refused saying they agreed for her to pay K900.
The woman said she can only manage to pay K900.
Magistrate Kapulo said since both parties are not in agreement it was appropriate to adjourn the matter to give chance for them to come to an agreement.

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