Written by on September 27, 2020


AS I have been growing up; I have come to learn that when people are faced with desperate situations; they run in different directions for help.
The decision to seek help is usually arrived at by one’s personal conviction: People base their decisions on their personal convictions.
In Africa, we hear of rumours that some prominent African people enter into some kind of partnership with the dark world (business men and women; Politicians; Sports men and women; celebrities; sadly even some Pastors are into this for spiritual powers and numerical growth in their Churches).
Many, including some “Christians” visit witchdoctors in times of desperation; they visit shrines and consult the spirits in times of need.

But the official in John 4:43-54, knew the right place to turn to for help and he faithfully kept his eyes fixed on that help and at the right time his prayer was answered.
The Goal of this sermon is to show us that: From time to time, God will put our faith through the furnace of fire to test and refine our faith.
These furnaces will take different forms: It maybe sickness (yours or any of your beloved ones), loss of a Job, death of a bread winner, lack of basic needs (food, clothes, shelter); fire accident (loss of valuable household goods; or an entire house being reduced to ashes) I can multiply examples but I believe these are enough for now- you can add to the endless list.
Biblical examples:
A Desperate Father’s Problem (v.43-46)
Abraham was commanded to Leave his country (Genesis 12); Take your son and sacrifice him (Genesis 22).
Peter- He sees Jesus walking on the water- “Come” (Matthew 14:22-33)
Simon Peter: Let down your net for a catch (Luke 5:1ff).
These Biblical examples reveal that God can bring us into challenging situations and all of them would require us to put our faith at work.
What do you do when desperate times come?
A Desperate Father’s Problem (v.43-46)
What problem did this man face?
The affliction of his son… we see that both the rich and the poor have afflictions.
The rich can have money; but money is not Almighty (with money, we can have access to the best hospitals, buy medicine but we cannot buy healing with money).
Anxiety drove this man to Jesus.
Where does anxiety drive you?
Remember the woman with an issue of blood (Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-34; Luke 8:41-56); Blind Bartimaeus (Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:52 Luke 18:35- 43). Anxiety drove them to the Lord Jesus Christ.
A Desperate Father’s Plea (v.47-49)
He pleaded with Christ more than once to come down and heal his son.
We learn persistence from this man.
A Desperate Father’s Faith (v.50-54)
He took Jesus at His word and left.
We learn from this man that Christ’s word is as good as Christ’s presence.
In conclusion afflictions, like that of the nobleman, are very common to all (Christians and non-Christians). Where will you turn for help and comfort when that time comes? Come to the Saviour now. Let us fill our minds and hearts with Christ’s Word. For the Words that He speaks are spirit and life (John 6:63). Amen!

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